Insyaallah, Biyu is now in her 13th weeks as at 23/10/2009. Second trimester dah start, sakit belakang masih ada la.... loya-loya? Hmmmm entahla..kejap ada kejap takda.... but they said to me......
(From weekly updates)
How Biyu's life's changing
You're officially in your second trimester, the fourth to sixth months of pregnancy. That's great news for two reasons. One, your risk of miscarriage has dropped dramatically, and two, many women see early pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, subside - you may notice a distinct improvement in your libido as the nausea recedes and your energy levels rise. If you’ve found feeling sick comforting, as a sign that you really are pregnant, you may start to doubt that you’re still pregnant when this powerful symptom starts to fade.
Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the first milk that nourishes your baby immediately after birth, before the mature milk starts to flow. Even if your breasts are small, you should still be able to breastfeed if you want to - in this case size really doesn’t matter!
If you could hold your baby's hand this week, you'd notice the swirling lines that make up his unique fingerprints. You'd also see the veins and vital organs beneath his tissue-thin skin. He's growing... Are your long-lost energy and sex drive making a comeback? If so, you may soon find out why many women call this the honeymoon trimester. For other women, the discomforts last a while longer yet. Every pregnancy is unique - even women who have been pregnant before find that the second or third are different
Your uterus may be big enough now to show the world that you're expecting, but your baby is still tiny - about the size of half a banana. Despite her small proportions, you'd see a fully formed baby complete with unique fingerprints if you could look inside your womb now.
Perut ada membesar sikit, tapi tak tau lah besar sebab baby atau sebab gemuk!! hohoho.... Biyu makan banyak kebelakangan ni... setiap 3 jam akan rasa lapar gila, macam tak makan apa2 lagi sejak pagi..huhuhuhu. Maybe campur2 kot... yela..uterus dah makin membesar, walaupun baby dah jadi baby halk pisang... Tapi bag / ruang untuk menampung baby dah membesar... waaahhh tak sabar nak tengok baby... Lama nya rasa.... Insyaallah start ujung minggu nie bolehlah post progress dengan pembesaran perut Biyu sekali... Sekarang tak nampak sangat kalau amik Nantilah... Insyaallah ada...
Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the first milk that nourishes your baby immediately after birth, before the mature milk starts to flow. Even if your breasts are small, you should still be able to breastfeed if you want to - in this case size really doesn’t matter!
If you could hold your baby's hand this week, you'd notice the swirling lines that make up his unique fingerprints. You'd also see the veins and vital organs beneath his tissue-thin skin. He's growing... Are your long-lost energy and sex drive making a comeback? If so, you may soon find out why many women call this the honeymoon trimester. For other women, the discomforts last a while longer yet. Every pregnancy is unique - even women who have been pregnant before find that the second or third are different
Your uterus may be big enough now to show the world that you're expecting, but your baby is still tiny - about the size of half a banana. Despite her small proportions, you'd see a fully formed baby complete with unique fingerprints if you could look inside your womb now.
Perut ada membesar sikit, tapi tak tau lah besar sebab baby atau sebab gemuk!! hohoho.... Biyu makan banyak kebelakangan ni... setiap 3 jam akan rasa lapar gila, macam tak makan apa2 lagi sejak pagi..huhuhuhu. Maybe campur2 kot... yela..uterus dah makin membesar, walaupun baby dah jadi baby halk pisang... Tapi bag / ruang untuk menampung baby dah membesar... waaahhh tak sabar nak tengok baby... Lama nya rasa.... Insyaallah start ujung minggu nie bolehlah post progress dengan pembesaran perut Biyu sekali... Sekarang tak nampak sangat kalau amik Nantilah... Insyaallah ada...
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