Thursday, November 5, 2009

Baby development: 14 Weeks bebeh!!!

Waaahhh dah 14 minggu dah Insyaallah.... (Kalau ikut scan di malaysia hari tu lah kan)... Akhirnya setelah penat menanti Insyaallah rabu minggu depan kami akan tau berapa minggu pembesaran anak kami sebenar benarnya...fuhh penatnya tunggu...huhuhu. Waaaah tak sabar! Insyaallah harap2 dia masih membesar dengan sihat... takde apa2 masalah...agak risaula jugak..yela..selama nie dok kejap rasa kejap tak rasa je baby dalam perut nie... huhuhu... Semua orang cakap normal..tapi yela...1st child maa.... memang rasa risau 24 7. Hmmm

baiklah... jikalaulah Biyu sudah 14 Minggu pregnant.... beginilah development baby Biyu:
Your baby is now growing his first hairs. Fine body hair called lanugo, which usually disappears later in pregnancy, blankets his body now, too. Your own hair may also be more lustrous. Many women say that thicker, fuller hair is one of the nicest perks of pregnancy. Enjoy it while you can. Crown to rump, your baby is around 3 and a half inches / 9 centimeters long and weighs one and a half ounces / 43 grams. The body is now growing faster than the head. This week, its parchment-thin skin covers itself with lanugo (ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth). Though eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of the head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth.

About now, the fetus can grasp, squint, frown and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb. Researchers believe these and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain.

If you haven't yet made an appointment for maternal serum screening (also known as the triple test), you may want to do so now. The test provides more information about your baby, and screens for Down's syndrome and other birth defects. Also, your doctor may recommend an between 15 and 18 weeks for women over 35 and those with a history of birth defects. If you are over 35, have a look at our article on href="">how age affects pregnancy.

• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently - even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.

Hmm semua nie hanyalah basic idea...So... memanglah tak sabar nak tunggu the 'real idea' next week untuk tau macam mana baby kami sebenar benarnya berkembang. Walaupun 3.5 inchi, harap2 nampak clear..heheheh tak sabarnya nak tengok baby!! Adus...macam mana nak cepatkan masa ek? hehehe

Dan...development Biyu pulak:
You're probably feeling brighter and livelier than in the first three months and have put the early symptoms of pregnancy firmly behind you. Some unlucky women do find that the nausea drags on so if you are still being very sick, contact your doctor for advice. Most women find the second three months the easiest stage of pregnancy when sleep is sounder and your bump isn't too big to impede your movements. Make the most of these energetic middle months to enjoy activities such as swimming, walking and low-impact aerobics.

It's also a good time to sort out practicalities with your husband, discussing your maternity leave and thinking about childcare, if you intend to return to work after your baby is born.

Adus...nak swimming...Tak reti! Walking..hmm nasib baikla dok jalan ke keje 20minit sehari one way...Cukup kot?

Waaahhh tak sabar nak tunggu minggu depan! Wish me luck! Doa2kanlah ye wahai keluarga ku, sahabat2 ku semuanya kan okay (Seperti kata KRU)

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