Sepatutnya, harini dah masuk minggu ke 11. Perasaan Biyu memang terasa macam minggu ke 11. Tapi selagi takda confirmation dari hospital / doctor exactly berapa minggu dah sekarang, masih lagi ragu2. Tapi, beginilah Biman Biyu's baby's development kalau dah 11 minggu:
Your fetus now looks like a baby, with tiny but fully formed fingers and toes.
As his body grows and becomes more developed and functional, he'll start twisting and turning like an acrobat, cushioned and protected by your amniotic fluid. You, on the other hand, are probably feeling less like a gymnast every day. Leg cramps, which can sometimes be a sign of calcium deficiency, and heartburn (caused by pregnancy hormones that relax the valve which separates the oesophagus from the stomach) may be annoying you during the day and keeping you up at night. Just remember, all this suffering is temporary - and it's all in a good cause - you're having a baby!

You're getting close to the end of the first trimester. Most of the baby's critical development will be behind you after the next couple of weeks, and the odds of miscarriage will soon drop considerably. Measuring from the crown of his head to his rump, your 1.5-inch/ 4-centimetre fetus has all his parts, from tooth buds to toenails. Your baby is busy kicking and stretching; his movements are so fluid they look like water ballet. Fingers and toes have fully separated. Now the fetus's main task during the next six months will be to grow larger and stronger until it can survive on its own outside the womb.
A dark vertical line of pigmentation, called the linea nigra, may appear on your abdomen. Your uterus has risen above your pelvic bones and your doctor can now feel it during an external examination.
A dark vertical line of pigmentation, called the linea nigra, may appear on your abdomen. Your uterus has risen above your pelvic bones and your doctor can now feel it during an external examination.
Feeling of heartburn: perut berangin, dada tak sedap, belakang sakit, belakang rusuk sakit2 and sedikit takit tekak. Selalu akan terasa selepas makan and it usually lasts for a few hours. Makanan rasa macam nak keluar balik, tapi tak. terasa ala2 sangkut tapi sebenarnya tak.
Thats how Biyu is feeling right memang Insyaallah baby sudah 11 minggu. Hmmm tido pun memang tak cukup, membuatkan sentiasa mengantuk time tengah hari. Diorang kata, lagi beberapa minggu je akan hilang semua perasaan ni and akan dapat balik Gambatte ne!!! Bersabar and kita tunggu lagi 3-4 minggu, Insyaallah Biyu akan jadi energised balik!!! Amin... Insyaallah....
1 comment:
huhu..susah payah mengandungkan anak...
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