Sunday, October 4, 2009

Baby Development 04/10/2009

Kalau mengikut firasat doctor Ireland, yang takmau scan baby awal2, Biyu baru 8 minggu. Jadi, kalau Biyu 8 minggu, beginilah baby Biyu punya development:

Mereka kata: If you could see your baby this week you'd see that his fingers and toes are emerging, his eyelids practically cover his eyes and his embryonic tail is just about gone. Of course, it's still too early to tell whether you're having a boy or a girl because the telltale parts aren't visible yet, but go ahead and play the guessing game. Many mums-to-be say they have an inkling early on - and often they're right!
Entahla... Biyu takde pun instinct sama ada boy ke girl? Biman nak boy... Biyu? Asalkan dia sihat, pregnancy berjaya, tak kiralah boy atau girl, Biyu akan sayang dia sepenuh hati.

Dah jadi manusia dah baby kami. Alhamdulillah.. semoga dia sempurna fizikal dan mental.

Tapi, mengikut Biyu's doctor maksu's scan di Malaysia haritu, Biyu sepatutnya dah masuk 10 minggu. Beginilah pula development dia:
Dan mereka kata pula: Your baby has tiny fingernails now and the ability to kick, swallow and move. That's quite impressive for someone who's only the size of a lipstick case. That will change soon; within the next few weeks, your featherweight child should double in size. You may notice your clothes getting tighter as your uterus is now almost big enough to fill your pelvis. How your baby is growing :
Your baby will more than double in size in the next three weeks. He or she is now swallowing and kicking, and all the major organs are fully developed. More minute details are appearing too, like fingernails and peach-fuzz hair. The external sex organs are beginning to show and in a few weeks they will be developed enough to tell whether you're going to have a boy or a girl.
Waaahhh kalau betul 10 weeks, maknanya dah boleh tau sex of the baby. And dah ada kuku, rambut? Hihihi syoknyee.... Malangnya, lambat lagi Biyu nak kena scan sebab doctor sini dok anggap Biyu baru 8 bulan. Entahla...Biyu rasa doctor salah la.... Biyu rasa Biyu dah 10 minggu dah.... belakang dah mula aching, maknanya dah membesar la kan? Kadang2 pelvis rasa sakit sikit, maybe dia nak membesar untuk fit in the baby.
Wallahualam... Tak sabar nak scan...huhuhu... sabar... sabar... memang takbole buat apa pun.... malas betul la kerajaan sini. Hmmmm
Dia bagi tips untuk position tido yang sesuai untuk baby. Tidur di sebelah kiri badan. Sebab belah kiri paling bagus, baby akan dapat majority of the nutrients and will fill in oerfectly in the placenta. Hmm.... bagus memang bagus, api tangan and kaki kiri Biyu dah kebas dah dok tido belah kiri!!! Huhuhu. Biyu prefer tido belah kanan,... taktau apasal... rasa pernafasan lebi senang kalau tido belah kanan. Tapi demi baby, Biyu akan cuba. Everytime terjaga and tersedar tido sebelah salah, Biyu akan pusing balik ke kiri.
Kalau tido menelentang lagi la... Baby dah sebesar grapefruit, dan keeping on growing, kalau telentang mmang terasa belakang cepat sakit and perut sakit.
Hmmm by...nasib baik mummy dah biasa tido mengiring... so takdelah ackward sangat. :-)

1 comment:

Azrin said...

macam perut kak ayu dah makin membesar..apa kata entry2 lepas ni kak ayu letak gamba kak ayu sama...dengan menampakkan perut anda...mesti lagi cool lahh...